Reduce hold times and fill your Always Available curated collections, because thousands of audiobooks from Macmillan Audio are now available in Cost-Per-Circ! 

This is a great way to meet patron demand on popular audiobooks from Macmillan Audio including Apples Never Fall by Liane Moriarty, Friends, Lovers, and the Big Terrible Thing by Matthew Perry, Maame by Jessica George, and more. 

Shop Macmillan Audio CPC here. 

Why we love Cost-Per-Circ  

From providing multiple copies of a title for a book club to perpetually popular titles to managing high-demand titles and everything in between, the Cost-Per-Circ (CPC) lending model continues to gain in popularity among librarians. 

Once a CPC title is added to your collection, you only pay when a reader borrows it. These copies can exist alongside a One Copy/One User or Metered Access edition of the same title, providing you more flexibility and giving your readers more opportunities to read. Whether it’s adding CPC for a local book club or “test driving” a title before permanently adding it to your collection, CPC can help you meet patron demand without breaking the bank.  

In fact, our research found that libraries that utilized multiple OverDrive Marketplace content access models, including Cost Per Circ, reduced their cost-per-checkout across their entire digital collection by 17 percent 

Learn more about why we love CPC here.